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WDSG Holland House

Waikato Diocesan School for Girls – Holland House Boarding Hostel

Hamilton, Waikato

The Waikato Diocesan School for Girls has a well-established reputation for excellence in the education and general well-being of its students.  This tradition in excellence is also inherent in the architecture and environment of the Diocesan School campus and its boarding facility.

The two-storey Holland House hostel comprises accommodation for forty-two students.  The architecture of Holland House recognises that it is the home and sanctuary for their boarders for a significant part of the year and that the students’ experience of Holland House will also be an abiding and enduring memory and reflection of their time at Diocesan School. 

The high-quality facility sits comfortably within the architectural character of the existing Diocesan School campus while incorporating environmentally sustainable design principles.

Completed 2012

The two storey Holland House Boarding Hostel comprises accommodation for forty two students including study spaces, shared living spaces, reception, common kitchen, bathroom facilities, and a self contained unit for the House Parent.

As owner of Holland House, the school’s proprietors' board is highly attuned to the costs of operation and maintenance over the life of the building, and hence required that the architecture and design focused on passive and active environmental strategies to minimise energy costs while providing a high level of comfort.

The commission was won through a design competition.  PAUA Architects (as Antanas Procuta Architects) worked closely with staff and students and provided full architectural design and construction observation services.

The design contains a north facing glass atrium which allows for plenty of light and warmth to be captured in the hub of the two lounges. The finished building achieved excellent thermal and soundproofing due to the construction materials used. Stormwater from the roof is stored before being used for the grey water flushing toilets within the building. 

Structural elements are showcased within the interior spaces. A nine metre parallel steel chord truss acts as a balustrade to the upstairs lounge that overlooks the lower level.


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